Giuseppe Samo
Associate Professor in Linguistics at
Beijing Language and Culture University
Department of Linguistics
Academic Year 2021-2022 teachings:
语言与人工智能 (Linguistic Theory and AI)
语言习得 (Language Acquisition)
语言学实验:技术与方法 (Linguistic Data: experimental methods and technologies)
语言理论和语言实验方法 (Linguistic Data, Experimental Methods and Theory of Grammar)
历史句法和语言 (Historical Syntax and Language Change)
Publications & Academic Activities
Samo, G. (2019) A Criterial Approach to the Cartography of V2, John Benjamins Publishing, ISBN 9789027204486.
Samo, G. & Merlo, P. (to appear) "Distributed computational models of intervention effects: a study on cleft structures in French", in 'Trends in Linguistics (ed. by Adam Ledgeway and Caterina Bonan).
Samo, G., Bonan, C., Si, F. (to appear) Health-related content in transformer-based deep neural network language models: exploring cross-linguistic syntactic bias, Proceedings of ICIMTH2022, IOS press.
Boogers, N., Badan, L., Samo, G., Fiorin G., (to appear) The linear structure of narrative figures in the Saint Francis Cycle: A linguistic analysis" Social semiotics.
Samo, G., Ursini F-A., Caracciolo G., (to appear) Quantifying formulaic syntax: a quantitative and computational study on temporal complements in Latin subject relatives extracted from the Epigraphic collection of the Catacombs in Chiusi, Annali di Linguistica AION.
Samo, G. Caracciolo, G. (2022) Encoding inscriptions as sets of lexical features> A case study on the Epigraphic collection of the Catacombs in Chiusi, Res Antiquae 19, 1-18.
Ursini, F-A. & Samo, G. (2022) "The Interpretation of Urbanonyms in Discourse Reconciling theoretical accounts with experimental results", Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 58(2), 263-288.
Merlo, P. Samo, G. (2022) "Exploring T3 Languages with quantitative computational syntax", Theoretical Linguistics, n. 48.
Samo, G. (2022) Criterial V2: ModP as a locus of microvariation in Swiss Romansh varieties, Probus
Rizzi, L. Samo, G. (2022) Introduction: On the role of Romance in cartographic studies, Probus.
Samo, G., & Canuti M. (2022) Note su infiniti flessi in chianino: un approccio cartografico, Annali di Ca' Foscari. Serie occidentale (56), 1-18.
Samo, G., Zhao, Y., M. T. Guasti, Utunen, H., Stucke, O., Gamhewage, G. (2022). Could linguisticcomplexity be automatically evaluated? A multilingual study on WHO's Emergency Learning Platform,Informatics and Technology in Clinical Care and Public HealthJ. Mantas et al. (Eds.), IOS Press, 196-199.
Samo, G. & Merlo, P., (2021) "Intervention effects in clefts: a study in quantitative computational syntax", Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 6(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/glossa.5742
Francesco-Alessio Ursini & Giuseppe Samo (2021) Names for urban places and conceptual taxonomies: the view from Italian, Spatial Cognition & Computation, DOI: 10.1080/13875868.2021.1954186
Samo, G. (2021). N-merge systems in adult and child grammars: a quantitative study on external arguments. Quaderni Di Linguistica E Studi Orientali, 7, 103-130. https://doi.org/10.13128/qulso-2421-7220-12005
Samo, G., Canuti, M. (2021) "Uncovering the Left Periphery of Etruscan: some theoretical insights", in Si Fuzhen and L. Rizzi, Current Issues in Syntactic Cartography: A crosslinguistic perspective, John Benjamins Publishing.
Zhao Y, Samo G, Utunen H, Stucke O, Gamhewage G. (2021) Evaluating Complexity of Digital Learning in a Multilingual Context: A Cross-Linguistic Study on WHO's Emergency Learning Platform. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021 May 27;281:516-517. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210222
Samo, G, Zhao Y., Gamhewage G., (2020) Syntactic Complexity of Learning Content in Italian for COVID-19 Frontline Responders: A Study on WHO's Emergency Learning Platform, Verbum, 2020, vol. 11, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.15388/Verb.15, E-ISSN 2538-8746
Samo, G. (2019) Cartography and Locality in German: a quantitative study with Dependency structures , Rivista di Grammatica Generativa/Research in Generative Grammar, 5, 1-26, ISSN 2531-5935.
Samo, G. (2019), Cartography and Microparametric variation: Criterial V2 in Swiss Romansh varieties, Revista Linguí∫tica, v.15.3, ISSN 2238-975X / 1808-835X, 141 -160. https://revistas.ufrj.br/index.php/rl/article/view/27546
Samo, G., Merlo P. (2019) Intervention effects in object relatives in English and Italian: a study in quantitative computational syntax, Proceedings of Quasy, Association for Computational Linguistics, 46 - 56.
Samo, G. (2018) Towards a Criterial V2: Some Notes on Subject-initial Clauses, Generative Grammar in Geneva. 2018, vol. 11, 1 - 20.
Jivanyan H. & Samo G. (2017) Parce-que in the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interface, GG@G, vol. 10, University of Geneva. doi:10.13097/1tk2-7fja
PhD Dissertation
Samo G. 2018, A Criterial approach to the Cartography of V2, PhD dissertation, University of Geneva. https://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:108925
Samo G., Martini K. & Bocci G., (ed.s), 2018, Proceedings of the 1st SynCart workshop, Special Issue GG@G vol.11, University of Geneva.
Testing the generalisation ability of cartographic models in accounting V2: a quantitative study on grammatical clauses, 24.08.2022 Societas Lingusitica Europea 2022, Workshop: WO change, University of Bucharest -"Iorgu Iordan - Al. Rosetti" Institute of Linguistics.
(with Si Fuzhen) Quantifying Optionality of Chinese Possessive Marker 的 de and some theoretical Insights/ 汉语领属标记"的"可选性的量化分析及理论思考, Isoctal, University of Leeds, 20-21.06.2022
Quantifying the cartography and locality of ModP in large-scale and small-sized datasets, AAFMI Goettingen, 19.05.2022
Some notes on the syntax of negation in Etruscan, IUSS Pavia LS Seminars, 28.03.2022
Avoiding Intervention effects across grammars: some quantitative results, 1st IFOLAB, Beijing Language and Culture University, 03.11.2021.
Quantifying criterial and meaningless movement: exploring cartographic results with large-scale datasets, Zoom na Cartografia, 15.07.2021.
Syntactic Theory and Machine Learning: predicting frequencies. China University of Mining and Technology - Beijing 中国矿业大学, 16.06.2021
Relativized Minimality and frequencies in Universal Dependencies treebanks, SyntaxLab, University of Cambridge, 15.06.2021.
Machine Learning and syntactic theory: focus on German and German varieties, 43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (43rd Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society), Workshop "Contrastive Corpus Methodology for Language Modeling and Analysis", Freiburg am Brisgau, Germany, 26.02.2021
External arguments: preference for 2-merge or 3-merge systems? A quantitative crosslinguistic analysis in child and adult grammar corpora, IGG 46, Siena (postponed to 17-19.02.2021).
Movement and Locality in the Cartography of Germanic: a quantitative study with dependency structures, DiaLing, Ghent University, 11th December 2020.
(with Yu Zhao, Gaya Gamhewage, Heini Utunen, Oliver Stucke) Evaluating complexity of digital learning in a multilingual context: a cross-linguistic study on WHO's emergency learning platform, poster presentation, Global Digital Health Forum 2020, 7-9 December 2020.
Cartography meets Quantitative Computational Syntax, Colóquios do ForMA LaCaSa- Laboratório de Cartografia Sintática: Pesquisa e Ensino, UniCampinas, 12.05.2020
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZkwUDaCMkE&fbclid=IwAR3Sv-xfipfKaLVwPHuUllqk31xujuSbQS9RdU7xMiF2-h53Bfh-LYaPDi8
Cartography, reorderings and locality in Germanic: a quantitative study, Séminaire de Recherche en Linguistique, University of Geneva, 11.02.2020
Quantitative Cartographic Syntax, International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography 2019, Beijing Language and Culture University.
A quantitative approach to syntactic locality: a cross-linguistic analysis of object relatives, 第一届汉外语言文化对比研究国际学术研讨会 - The first international academic seminar on the contrastive study of Chinese and foreign languages and cultures, Beijing Language and Culture University, September 7-9, 2019.
(with Fuzhen Si) A Cartography of Paralinguistic Features and Non-Verbal elements: some preliminary notes on experimental designs, Workshop "Brain, Language & Learning", University of Siena, September 26-28, 2019. (Poster)
(with Paola Merlo)Intervention effects in object relatives in English and Italian: a study in quantitative computational syntax, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Quantitative Syntax (Quasy, SyntaxFest 2019), Association for Computational Linguistics, 46 - 56.
V2 languages do not challenge Cartography, if the analysis follows Cartographic guidelines, Oberseminar English Linguistics (Syntax-Semantics), Georg-August Universität Göttingen.
The role of morphosyntactic features and the Left Periphery: evidence from V2 languages, Unbound Seminars in Formal Linguistics (UnboundSFL), University of Geneva.
Time/Space - Subject - V3: the predictive power of a criterial approach to V2, Team goes to IGG, Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 45, University of Padua.
V2 languages do not challenge the split-CP: the predictive power of a criterial approach, Traces of History, University of Oslo.
V2 languages do not challenge Cartography: a Criterial Approach to V2, International Forum on Frontiers in Linguistics, Beijing Language and Culture University.
V2 and Cartographic guidelines, Seminari di Ricerca del CISCL, University of Siena.
Criterial V2 and Embedded Clauses:some notes on German and Swiss Romansh varieties, Wordshop, University of Zurich.
Towards a Criterial V2, VariaForMea, Magglingen/Macolin
Some notes on Subjects and the Left of SwissRomansh varieties, Microworkshop in Romance, University of Geneva.
Cartography of V2: Towards a Criterial V2, SemRec UniGe 07.11.2017, University of Geneva.
Cartography of V2, 61. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft, University of Zurich
The SynCart website (talk, with Karen Martini), 1st SynCart workshop, 11 - 15.07.2016, Chiusi (Italy)
The role of FinP in the Left Periphery, 9e Journées de linguistique suisse (9th Days of Swiss Linguistics), 29-30.06 - 1.07. 2016, University of Geneva.
The Left Periphery of Swiss Romansh: toward a Criterial Approach to V2, Seminar, Goethe Universität Frankfurt.
Hanging Topics with Case Marking do not violate the "Bottleneck Effect" (poster), Rethinking V2 workshop, 22 - 24.03.2016, University of Cambridge
Icelandic V3 adverbs do not violate the "Bottleneck Effect" (poster), IGG42, 18 - 20.02.2016, University of Lecce.
Notes on FinP as landing site for V2, Traces of History workshop, 09,10.03.2015, University of Oslo. 2014
V2 and Cartography, VariaForMea, Magglingen
A cartographic approach to Verb Second, 7. Österreichische Studierendenkonferenz der Linguistik, 21, 22.11.2014, University of Salzburg.
Rivista di Grammatica Generativa: research in Generative Grammar (2014 -)
Word Order in the Left Periphery, Workshop, University of Oslo; IGG46.
Indexed Journals.
Webinars "Linguistic Connections" (University of Geneva, then Beijing Language and Culture University)
"Move and Merge: Seminar in Linguistics at the BLCU", Beijing Language and Culture University.
Commitee Member of the International Association of Syntactic Cartography (based in Macao)
深度学习分析矢量表示中的句法制图结构编码 (Encoding syntactic structures as vectorial representations for deep learning), Science Foundation of Beijing Language and Culture University (supported by "the fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities") #20YBB06.
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